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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies

Published/Hosted by: Taylor and Francis Group
Print ISSN: 0007-4918
Online ISSN: 1472-7234
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 1.333 (2012)
Country: Australia

About Journal
The Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, a peer-reviewed journal published by the Indonesia Project at The Australian National University’s College of Asia and the Pacific, fills a significant void by providing a well respected outlet for high-quality research on any and all matters pertaining to the Indonesian economy, and touching on closely related fields such as law, the environment, government and politics, demography, education and health. In doing so, it has played an important role in helping the world, and Indonesians themselves, to understand Indonesia.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts in MS-Word format online at:

General Guidelines for Authors

1. Length. Unless the author has made special arrangements with the Editor, manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, footnotes and references, but excluding tables and figures), plus a maximum of 8–10 tables and figures. Notes on topics of current importance should not exceed 3,000 words including abstract, footnotes and references, but excluding tables.

2. Abstract and keywords. An abstract of not more than 150 words should be included, together with 2–5 keywords suitable for online search purposes, chosen from the list provided at the submission site or provided by the author.

3. Layout of Text. Text should be double spaced. Please follow the BIES system of headings and subheadings: each major section of the article should be given a brief bold upper case heading; subsections are indicated by bold sentence case headings, and third-level headings are italicized in sentence case.

4. Citations. BIES uses the Harvard system. References in the text give the author’s surname, year of publication, and page number if necessary. At the end of the paper, please list the references cited in the text, arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames, using the examples shown in the BIES Reference Guide.

5. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, both in number and size; they should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and located at the foot of the page on which reference is made to them in the text.

6. Tables should be clearly headed, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Table type should be no smaller than Book Antiqua or Palatino 8 point. Tables should contain adequate information to allow the reader to understand them without referring to the text. Notes to the table should be placed directly below it, and keyed by superscript lower case Roman letters. Sources of data should be placed at the end of the table.

7. Diagrams and Charts. These should contain type no smaller than Book Antiqua or Palatino 9 point, and should fit within the text dimensions of a BIES page (width 12.4 cm). Charts should be accompanied by the underlying statistical data to permit redrawing.

8. Appendices. Contributors are advised to use an appendix for technical proofs and derivations that can be separated from the main text.

9. Spelling. Authority is the Oxford English Dictionary. Use ‘s’ spelling, e.g. organize.

10. Indonesian Terms and Abbreviations. The full equivalent should be given in the text at the first use. Terms other than proper nouns should be italicized; proper nouns, including acronyms representing a proper noun, should be in Roman type. Acronyms of more than four letters are written in lower case (with initial capital where appropriate). Initials that cannot be pronounced as a word, and acronyms of four letters or less, are written in upper case.
 e.g. sawah , but: Repelita, Bappenas, Bulog, LIPI, MPR, BKKBN.

11. BIES Conventions. Use single quotation marks, and ‘%’ rather than ‘per cent’ in text. Use ‘$’ to refer to US dollars.

For detailed guidelines, click here.