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Monday, December 23, 2013

Economic Geography

Published/Hosted by:  WILEY-BLACKWELL
Online ISSN: 1944-8287
Country: United States
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 3.389 (2012)

About Journal
Economic Geography is an internationally peer-reviewed journal, committed to publishing cutting-edge research that makes theoretical advances to the discipline. Our long-standing specialization is to publish the best theoretically-based empirical articles that deepen the understanding of significant economic geography issues around the world. Owned by Clark University since 1925, Economic Geography actively supports scholarly activities of economic geographers. Economic Geography is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at

General Guidelines for Authors
Manuscripts should be in English (American spelling) and typed double spaced in 12-point Times Roman, with wide margins and page numbers; do not justify the right margin. The manuscript should contain a title page, an abstract with key words, the body of the text, the list of references cited, tables, a list of figure captions, and figures. For the initial submission, figures may be included as Word or Adobe Acrobat files. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author must provide each figure as a separate file (IBM compatible) in either Illustrator .ai (preferred choice, with type fonts converted to paths/outlines), Excel .xls, generic .eps, or .tiff format. We encourage authors to submit papers of approximately 40 pages, including tables, charts, and figures.

Cite references in the text by typing in parentheses the last name(s) of author(s), followed by the year the work was published. Immediately after the text, under the heading "References," list complete reference citations alphabetically by the senior author's last name, using Economic Geography's style. A reference to "forthcoming" implies that the paper has been accepted for publication. Titles of periodicals should be given in full. For examples of correct citations, please refer to a current issue of Economic Geography. For specific queries, refer to A Manual of Style, The University of Chicago Press.

For detailed guidelines, click here.