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Monday, December 23, 2013

The Economic History Review

Published/Hosted by:  JOHN WILEY & SONS
Online ISSN: 1468-0289
Country: England
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 1.045 (2012)

About Journal
The Economic History Review is published quarterly and each volume contains over 800 pages. It is an invaluable source of information and is available free to members of the Economic History Society. Publishing reviews of books, periodicals and information technology, The Review will keep anyone interested in economic and social history abreast of current developments in the subject. It aims at broad coverage of themes of economic and social change, including the intellectual, political and cultural implications of these changes.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at

General Guidelines for Authors

Abstract (Summary): Please note that the maximum length for the summary is 200 words.

Length: Articles should not normally exceed 10,000 words, including footnotes, but excluding tables, figures and the Footnote References (Bibliography); notes and comments should not exceed 2,500 words. Authors should inform the Editors of the exact length of articles and comments.

Anonymity: The text of an article must be anonymous. It must not include any acknowledgement or self-referencing in either the main text or footnotes of the initial submission.

Subsections: Major articles should be divided into subsections designated with roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.), but without subtitles.

Tables, graphs, and maps: Sources for these should always be provided, using the same conventions for source references as in footnotes. The position which they are to occupy in the text should be indicated. For references to notes in tables use a, b, c, etc. Due to the pressure of space in the Review, when submitting tables and/or figures, please consider carefully whether each and every table/figure is absolutely vital to the presentation of your argument.

For detailed guidelines, click here.