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Thursday, January 2, 2014

German Economic Review

Published/Hosted by:  JOHN WILEY & SONS
Online ISSN: 1468-0475
Country: England
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 0.736 (2012)

About Journal
German Economic Review, the official publication of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik), is an international journal publishing original and rigorous research of general interest in a broad range of economic disciplines, including:
·         macro- and microeconomics
·         economic policy
·         international economics
·         public economics
·         finance
·         business administration

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at

General Guidelines for Authors

1. Text should be typed double-spaced and in a point size of 12. Preferred file formats are MS Word or Latex. If using Latex, please make sure you follow the instructions on the submission pages. Tables should be included in the main file.  Lettering and datapoints of figures should be large enough so they can be read with ease when reduced to fit on the journal page.

2. The manuscript should not exceed 20 typewritten pages or approximately 15 typeset pages. Short papers are more likely to receive favourable consideration.

3. The first page of the manuscript contains the following information: title of the paper, names of authors, affiliations, date of submission, abstract not exceeding 100 words, JEL classification and keywords, and full address (including e-mail) of the author to whom correspondence should be directed.

Follow the examples:

Fitzgibbons, A. (1988), Keynes’s Vision. A New Political Economy, Clarendon, Oxford.

Journal Articles:
Brown-Collier, E. (1988), ‘The Epistemology Foundations of the General Theory’, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 35, 227–241.

Articles in Books:
Gerrard, B. (1992), ‘Beyond the Treatise: Continuity or Change’, in: B. Gerrard and J. Hillard (eds.), The Philosophy and Economics of J. M. Keynes, Edward Elgar, London.

For detailed guidelines, click here.