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Saturday, January 4, 2014

International Finance

Published/Hosted by:  JOHN WILEY & SONS
Online ISSN: 1468-2362
Country: England
Frequency: 3 issues per year
Impact Factor: 0.60 (2012)

About Journal
International Finance is a highly selective ISI-accredited journal featuring literate and policy-relevant analysis in macroeconomics and finance.  Specific areas of focus include:  

·         exchange rates
·         monetary policy 
·         political economy
·         financial markets
·         corporate finance
·         transition economics   

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at

General Guidelines for Authors

·         Papers must make a significant original contribution to knowledge in the area of macroeconomics or finance, or provide significant original insights into the market or policy implications of previous published research.
·         Papers may be empirically or theoretically based, but must explain clearly and lucidly the implications for public policy or market performance.
·         Papers may be based on national case studies, but must explain compellingly and lucidly the significance for other national markets.
·         Papers must be written in a highly literate style, with the main arguments accessible to non-specialists (although not necessarily to non-economists). The use of mathematical modeling or argumentation is neither necessary nor sufficient for publication. Authors are expected to apply social science methodologies appropriate to support their argumentation, but they also must explain clearly and lucidly the relevance and significance of their methodologies so that non-specialists can understand the approach.
·         Papers must include an abstract of no more than 150 words that explains clearly and lucidly the problem being investigated, why it is important, what the findings are, and what the implications are for policy or markets development.

Follow the examples

·         Frankel, Jeffery, and Kenneth Froot (1986), ‘Understanding the US Dollar in the Eighties’,
Economic Record, 125–9.

·         ———(1991), ‘Target Zones and Exchange Rate Dynamics’, Quarterly Journal of Economics,

·         Marris, Stephen (1985), Deficits and the Dollar. Washington: Institute for International Economics.

·         Bufman, Gil, and Meir Sokoleg (1995), ‘Israel’s Experience with etc’, in Leonardo Lederman
and Lars E.O. Svensson, eds, Inflation Targets, pp. 169–91. London: Centre for Economic
Policy Research.

For detailed guidelines, click here.