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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Journal of Economic Policy Reform

Published/Hosted by: Taylor & Francis Group
Print ISSN: 1748-7870
Online ISSN: 1748-7889
Country: England
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Impact Factor: 0.511 (2012)

About Journal
The Journal of Economic Policy Reform encourages scholars to submit their original work on a wide range of policy reforms, including: growth-related reforms; trade and integration; Foreign Direct Investment; monetary and fiscal reform; financial and private-sector reform; public sector governance; human development; taxation; social protection; intellectual property rights; urban and rural development. Analysis of the role of multilateral institutions in the production of economic policy is also welcomed. The editor particularly encourages contributions from economics, political economy, development and planning, though perspectives from other relevant social science approaches are also welcomed. 

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at

General Guidelines for Authors

Please ensure your main text has been fully anonymised. The body of the paper should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words. Should the paper contain figures or graphs, the space they occupy should be deducted from the overall word count. For instance, a graph occupying half a printed page deducts approximately 300 words from the overall word count. Equations should be consecutively numbered on the right hand side of the page, or placed in a self-contained appendix that is double spaced. The editorial board requests that the paper is written in a way that is understandable by specialists, practitioners and scholars. Please upload your paper as an MS Word file. You are allowed to upload a PDF file in addition to this, but we do require the Word file as well, in case your paper gets accepted. The main text is to be double-spaced in 12pt Time Rome in its entirety, including the title, the abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, endnotes, captions to figures and tables, and an abstract for copy-editing purposes. The abstract must be less than 100 words. Wide margins should be left for editing.

Use the Chicago Style of references. Click here to see.

For detailed guidelines, click here.